
Sunday, January 29, 2012

March For Life 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I am so sorry that it has taken me this long to post to you. When school started for me, my time was completely absorbed by it. I realize that this is a poor excuse, but also I have been involved in little mission work. It breaks my heart, because I miss it SO much, and I have been discouraged from my blog. I plan to fix this, because I hope to start getting actively involved in service in my new community.

One fantastic thing that I was able to participate in was the March for Life in Washington DC this past Monday. 400,000 marchers gathered for peaceful protest, completely unnoticed by the media (maybe it was their day off), but absolutely noticed by God.

In a society that stands for "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" we fail horribly. It has not gone unnoticed by all, and this gives us hope for a day when we will stand for what we say we believe in.

While I was on the trip I journaled, with my faithful blog readers in mind, and I wrote some things that I would like to share with you all.

January 22nd 2012
Washington DC

I am sitting in the basilica of the Immaculate Conception. This church is so beautiful, so awe inspiring. This enormous building is filled with such symbolism and tradition. Tomorrow is the March for Life, and I can't help but wonder what would happen if the world only knew. What would happen if I only knew the fullness of Christ's coming, of His love. 
This basilica, as marvelous and splendid as it is, is only a crude representation of the glorious God who we serve. If we knew God, and His love of life, abortion would not be thought of. The tragedy is that Satan has tricked mankind into self loathing. This loathing spreads to the smallest of God's children, this loathing causes a mass homicide of spotless victims. 
This cathedral, this life, represents so much more than we could ever know (on Earth). It is time that life be valued, truly valued, for not only what it is, but for what God made it to be. I feel that my small cooperation, my small drop in the midst of this oceanic march, can bring about change. God can bring about change through His people, and through me.

January 27th 2012
On road to Louisiana

The March for Life trip was amazing. The march itself was super blessed, I know that the world was changed  because of it. I was so blessed to be able to participate in that fight for life, for the dignity of the human body and soul. 
There were other incredibly blessed aspects of the trip. We visited the Dominican sisters in Nashville Tennessee. I am much more open to the religious life now because of it. We saw the spectacular shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. 
We visited the EWTN shrine, and that changed my life. The second largest monstrance in the world was there. In the beautiful church, I had this engulfing feeling that it was my home. Christ was giving me His beautiful temple, and my heart burst. I looked at the beautiful cross holding Jesus in the Eucharist, and I cried. I realized that all that I want, ALL THAT I WANT, is Jesus. I want to follow Him, to love Him with my entire being and existence. 
I then saw a realistic crucifix outside.  Christ had pieces of flesh torn from His body, and deep gashes covering Him. I realized that I never want to sin again. I was faced with the earth shaking reality that MY sins put Him to die on that tree. If anything discourages me from sin, it is that image of God crucified. this trip has made me want to radically live for the truth. I want to be radically alive for Him who died radically for me. God is love, God is good, God is truth. It's time to live like I know it.

Once more, I'm sorry that I haven't blogged in a long time. I don't do this for me, I didn't start it for me in the first place. I blog because God has done great things for me, and He is worth sharing about. I guess I needed to remember that.

Thank you for sharing with me!
Peace and Love in Christ Jesus,