Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Faith Camp this year was incredibly blessed. I can't say that I'm all that surprised that it was, considering that I truly believe that it is one of the great works of the kingdom of God, but God still blessed me in a special and unique way this year. For the week of July 16-20, I served as a CIT (coordinator in training). Me and six other truly wonderful individuals had been working for nearly six months on ironing out all of the little details that go into one extraordinary week of service, fun, and closeness to our most high God.
I was so blessed to see so many hearts be opened up to God in such a powerful way. God blessed me throughout the week by revealing Himself to me in little ways, little reminders of His awesomeness. At adoration on wednesday night I realized that the kingdom of God was there. It was like at WYD, and my heart was torn open by the beauty of all of these junior high kids adoring our Father, knowing Him. His love never ceases to amaze and humble me.
After Faith Camp, I came home and wrote something like this, I would like to share it.
July 20th 2012
I can't express the profundity of what I experienced and learned at Faith Camp because I haven't fully digested it yet. Working every second, every day, on the front line with living saints, to build the kingdom of God for real people, is an incredible blessing. How dare I push my own agenda, my own plans, when God's plan and love for me are so spectacular?
We'd get excited to do a favor for some famous person who's never done anything for us. So many fans would leap at the opportunity to buy coffee for some movie star, singer, artist, writer; yet we don't, I don't, jump at every opportunity to serve God who authored the universe, who loved me into being. God is so good!!! So much better than the idols of this world.
To love and serve, and suffer, and fail, and cry, and get back up, and to do it all over again for the glory of the most high God is a privilege. It is my PRIVILEGE to know God, to be able to live in His love, to be able to share that love, to be able to give my life for Him. Not everyone has that incredible blessing. Not everyone knows God, not everyone knows His love. And I complain when I get to serve Him every day. I am so blessed! Yet I complain, and whine, and hide behind the opinions of others who don't follow the one guy who can get our butts to Heaven. To Heaven!
I go to school, to work, to hang outs, and I waste my life- God's life in me- on stupid, insignificant, suffocating sins instead of sanctifying my everyday life. How dare I. And then I fall and feel like God can't pick me right back up because I am so sinful. As if God is limited to my sins- no matter how big.
St. Paul screwed up all the time, but because he let himself get picked back up it didn't stop him from shaping God's kingdom in a way that nobody else could. Who am I to say that God, the unchanging, eternal master, has a different, less perfect love for me? How dare I stop that grace with my petty pride? The only thing that can stand in between God and I is that stuff that I let stand in the way. The person who determines my proximity to God, and His will, is me. What stands in the way is my sin.
Stand up, let God. Let His love love me, love others through me. Accept the challenge that God has blessed me with. Then I can worry about the stupid things that I fret about, if only to find that they aren't worth worrying about in the first place.
In Him,
Monday, July 23, 2012
Friday, July 6, 2012
Faith Camp Fast Approaching
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am writing this brief post to ask you to please pray for Faith Camp 2012 "Challenge Accepted". The planning this year is going very smoothly, and God is working it out as usual. However, we are always in need of your prayers. Please pray for all of the prep, staff, and coordinators right now. Please especially pray for the camp itself, in all of its' details, the week of July 16-20. We are expecting the best year yet, but we need prayers for that to happen!
God bless all of you, and thank you in advance for your prayers and spiritual support.
In Him,
I am writing this brief post to ask you to please pray for Faith Camp 2012 "Challenge Accepted". The planning this year is going very smoothly, and God is working it out as usual. However, we are always in need of your prayers. Please pray for all of the prep, staff, and coordinators right now. Please especially pray for the camp itself, in all of its' details, the week of July 16-20. We are expecting the best year yet, but we need prayers for that to happen!
God bless all of you, and thank you in advance for your prayers and spiritual support.
In Him,
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Mexico- Summer- Life
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Being that it is summer, I have no excuse not to post what has been going on in my life. The main theme that I have to share right now is the beauty of missions. The beauty of missions does not lie in its difference, it does not lie in its difficulty. The beauty of missions lies in its absolute applicability to every individual who is living. Each and every person, when truly following God, becomes a missionary. This is particularly difficult for me to grasp. I love being in foreign countries, serving my brothers and sisters, preaching the gospel, and living radically for Christ. Because of this, it is hard for me to hold on to the beauty of the life God has given me.
This past year, being in the United States for the third year in a row, has been difficult in that regard. I sometimes forget that this is where God wants me right now. I cannot understand God's plan. I still do not know why He called my family out of foreign missions, but I do know that He knows. I also know that even in my reluctance to be here, He has blessed me abundantly.
Because I haven't posted much this year, I will share a bit of what has gone on. First off, the school that I attend has been a tremendous blessing to me. God has sent me some very good friends who draw me closer to Himself, and teach me how to be the stateside missionary that I want to be.
Also, my lifelong friend Hollis and I started a group called "Faith in Action". We started it about 5 months ago now, and it has been a blessing to see how God has let it grow. The purpose of the group is to offer a support system for high school students who want to see their faith in God be actualized in their lives. This group has been a blessing to me, and to those people who have come to our monthly meetings.
Since January, I have been meeting weekly with the coordinators of Faith Camp to help with this year's "Challenge Accepted" Faith Camp. I am a coordinator in training, and so I am learning all of the behind-the-scene work that is poured into Faith Camp. I am so blessed to be able to help in the camp that has been so instrumental in my spiritual formation, and I can't wait to see how God uses it for His glory this year.
One of the absolute biggest blessings of my life was born April 18th of this year. My precious, miracle, brother Isaac Joseph was welcomed into the world. My mom suffered 7 miscarriages, and I have 8 little siblings in Heaven. I was truly able to see the fruit of a community's prayer and fasting when my little brother was welcomed into this world with so much love, and with no problems whatsoever. He is truly a testament of God's love for our family.
The next huge blessing to share with you is my trip to General Cepeda. I hadn't visited in two years, and my heart was aching to return. Going back to that precious town which I love so dearly was a true gift of God's infinite love for me. I was able to see so many old friends, and the families that have become my family. I was able to visit with some of the living saints that I have been anxious to see for so long, and visit ejidos of people who still pray for my family daily. God reminded me of the desperate need for simplicity in my life, and the call to sanctity my life for His glory.
Another gift God has given me is my job. I am working this summer as a babysitter, which is my absolute favorite job. I am so grateful for this job, and it really came at such a perfect time that I know God's hand was in it.
Well that is the basic update for the year, but there is more to come. Now that it is summer I will hopefully be posting more frequently, so that I can give more glory to God who deserves it all. Keep persevering in prayer, and in serving God more perfectly every day.
Peace and love in Christ,
Being that it is summer, I have no excuse not to post what has been going on in my life. The main theme that I have to share right now is the beauty of missions. The beauty of missions does not lie in its difference, it does not lie in its difficulty. The beauty of missions lies in its absolute applicability to every individual who is living. Each and every person, when truly following God, becomes a missionary. This is particularly difficult for me to grasp. I love being in foreign countries, serving my brothers and sisters, preaching the gospel, and living radically for Christ. Because of this, it is hard for me to hold on to the beauty of the life God has given me.
This past year, being in the United States for the third year in a row, has been difficult in that regard. I sometimes forget that this is where God wants me right now. I cannot understand God's plan. I still do not know why He called my family out of foreign missions, but I do know that He knows. I also know that even in my reluctance to be here, He has blessed me abundantly.
Because I haven't posted much this year, I will share a bit of what has gone on. First off, the school that I attend has been a tremendous blessing to me. God has sent me some very good friends who draw me closer to Himself, and teach me how to be the stateside missionary that I want to be.
Also, my lifelong friend Hollis and I started a group called "Faith in Action". We started it about 5 months ago now, and it has been a blessing to see how God has let it grow. The purpose of the group is to offer a support system for high school students who want to see their faith in God be actualized in their lives. This group has been a blessing to me, and to those people who have come to our monthly meetings.
Since January, I have been meeting weekly with the coordinators of Faith Camp to help with this year's "Challenge Accepted" Faith Camp. I am a coordinator in training, and so I am learning all of the behind-the-scene work that is poured into Faith Camp. I am so blessed to be able to help in the camp that has been so instrumental in my spiritual formation, and I can't wait to see how God uses it for His glory this year.
The next huge blessing to share with you is my trip to General Cepeda. I hadn't visited in two years, and my heart was aching to return. Going back to that precious town which I love so dearly was a true gift of God's infinite love for me. I was able to see so many old friends, and the families that have become my family. I was able to visit with some of the living saints that I have been anxious to see for so long, and visit ejidos of people who still pray for my family daily. God reminded me of the desperate need for simplicity in my life, and the call to sanctity my life for His glory.
Another gift God has given me is my job. I am working this summer as a babysitter, which is my absolute favorite job. I am so grateful for this job, and it really came at such a perfect time that I know God's hand was in it.
Well that is the basic update for the year, but there is more to come. Now that it is summer I will hopefully be posting more frequently, so that I can give more glory to God who deserves it all. Keep persevering in prayer, and in serving God more perfectly every day.
Peace and love in Christ,
Friday, May 25, 2012
John Paul the Great Academy
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I know I have mentioned to you how much I am blessed by the school that I have been attending this past year. I am truly blessed to have found such a fantastic community of people to be a part of. I have grown spiritually and intellectually this past year, in ways that I didn't think possible.
I would like tell you a little bit about John Paul the Great academy. It is an independent Catholic school. Because of that, we are not attached to a diocese or parish, instead we fully rely on the support of our community. Thankfully, our community is the entire Catholic church. It is the duty of every Catholic to support those ministries- wether it be in prayer, spirit or finance- which fulfill the great commission, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." JPG is certainly one of those ministries which values this call above all else.
At our school, prayer, and service to God and His will always come before everything else. We are a small school, 160 students K-12, but we are a community made up of spectacular individuals. JPG accepts many students who aren't able to afford the tuition, including my family, and tries their best to accommodate everyone according to their finances.
The class sizes are small, and so the teacher to student interaction is fantastic. Not only that, JPG cultivates an environment of learning which brings about both learning, and discernment of vocation. There are five seminarians from our graduating classes, which is a great testament to what our school does.
Right now, due to a series of unforeseen events, JPG is in need of your help. Our school needs to gather together a large amount of money before the 31st of this month. Please, I beg of you, keep our school's needs in your prayer. Offer up rosaries, masses, our fathers, chaplets of divine mercy, and whatever else you can offer. Also, please pray about donating to our school to help it continue its' mission. You can do this at . Please, wether you donate or not, visit this link to learn more about this great work of God.
I wish I could share more about how JPG has blessed me and others, but I am headed to General Cepeda, Mexico. I am extremely excited about being able to visit again, so please keep my sister and I in your prayers during this week.
Peace and love in Christ,
I know I have mentioned to you how much I am blessed by the school that I have been attending this past year. I am truly blessed to have found such a fantastic community of people to be a part of. I have grown spiritually and intellectually this past year, in ways that I didn't think possible.
I would like tell you a little bit about John Paul the Great academy. It is an independent Catholic school. Because of that, we are not attached to a diocese or parish, instead we fully rely on the support of our community. Thankfully, our community is the entire Catholic church. It is the duty of every Catholic to support those ministries- wether it be in prayer, spirit or finance- which fulfill the great commission, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." JPG is certainly one of those ministries which values this call above all else.
At our school, prayer, and service to God and His will always come before everything else. We are a small school, 160 students K-12, but we are a community made up of spectacular individuals. JPG accepts many students who aren't able to afford the tuition, including my family, and tries their best to accommodate everyone according to their finances.
The class sizes are small, and so the teacher to student interaction is fantastic. Not only that, JPG cultivates an environment of learning which brings about both learning, and discernment of vocation. There are five seminarians from our graduating classes, which is a great testament to what our school does.
Right now, due to a series of unforeseen events, JPG is in need of your help. Our school needs to gather together a large amount of money before the 31st of this month. Please, I beg of you, keep our school's needs in your prayer. Offer up rosaries, masses, our fathers, chaplets of divine mercy, and whatever else you can offer. Also, please pray about donating to our school to help it continue its' mission. You can do this at . Please, wether you donate or not, visit this link to learn more about this great work of God.
I wish I could share more about how JPG has blessed me and others, but I am headed to General Cepeda, Mexico. I am extremely excited about being able to visit again, so please keep my sister and I in your prayers during this week.
Peace and love in Christ,
Friday, April 6, 2012
Umbrella In the Desert- Easter Triduum
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Once again I begin my post by apologizing for not blogging in so long. I am so busy with school and everything else all of the time, that blogging slips out of my mind. However, when I was in chapel yesterday at school, and had time for adoration, I thought of all of my fantastic blog readers. Ms. Jen, our campus minister, shared a beautiful reflection, and I want to share it with all of you.
Imagine that you are in the desert, and you are dirty, tired, and extremely thirsty. All of the sudden you see an enormous black rain cloud rolling through the sky, and it's coming right towards you. Imagine that you take an umbrella, a rain coat, and rain boots, and run into a cave and hide while it rains.
There is something wrong with that picture, right? It seems like you would grab buckets, throw your head back and take in the rain falling from the sky. Any thirsty, dirty, tired person would do that instead of running to a cave where they would stay the same way. Even though grabbing buckets and getting drenched is the logical answer, sometimes we are the person with the umbrella when it comes to our spiritual journeys.
God gives us this time of the Easter Triduum that He fills with abundant blessings for us. He opens the sky and pours out His love and grace on us like a rain cloud. All that we need to do is grab our buckets and have them filled with grace! Those buckets are times of prayer, attending services, reflecting on the way of the cross, and so on.
I ask you all to take advantage of this beautiful Easter Triduum to do just that! Grab your buckets, throw back your heads, and get drenched in God's love and grace. He died to give it to you.
Peace and Love in Christ,
Once again I begin my post by apologizing for not blogging in so long. I am so busy with school and everything else all of the time, that blogging slips out of my mind. However, when I was in chapel yesterday at school, and had time for adoration, I thought of all of my fantastic blog readers. Ms. Jen, our campus minister, shared a beautiful reflection, and I want to share it with all of you.
Imagine that you are in the desert, and you are dirty, tired, and extremely thirsty. All of the sudden you see an enormous black rain cloud rolling through the sky, and it's coming right towards you. Imagine that you take an umbrella, a rain coat, and rain boots, and run into a cave and hide while it rains.
There is something wrong with that picture, right? It seems like you would grab buckets, throw your head back and take in the rain falling from the sky. Any thirsty, dirty, tired person would do that instead of running to a cave where they would stay the same way. Even though grabbing buckets and getting drenched is the logical answer, sometimes we are the person with the umbrella when it comes to our spiritual journeys.
God gives us this time of the Easter Triduum that He fills with abundant blessings for us. He opens the sky and pours out His love and grace on us like a rain cloud. All that we need to do is grab our buckets and have them filled with grace! Those buckets are times of prayer, attending services, reflecting on the way of the cross, and so on.
I ask you all to take advantage of this beautiful Easter Triduum to do just that! Grab your buckets, throw back your heads, and get drenched in God's love and grace. He died to give it to you.
Peace and Love in Christ,
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Live for God - Lent
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
There are a few things that I have wanted to share with you. First of all, my friend Hollis and I started a prayer group called "Faith in Action", which hopes to springboard from Faith Camp and help teens to live for God. I ask for your prayers that this would go well, and God definitely blessed our first meeting.
While we were at the meeting, Hollis started it off by saying "The world gives you so many opportunities to live for the world, and not enough to live for God." This statement is so unfortunate, and so true. Whenever you click on your tv, look at billboards, or read magazines, none of them encourage you to live a fulfilled life of virtue. Having the greatest legs, darkest tan, or hottest boyfriend will not equal happiness. The TRUTH is that GOD is happiness!
If you are reading this blog, it is probably because you care about the Truth. If not, let me invite you to live a life worth living, a life worth the life that you have. Seek the Truth. If ever there is a more appropriate time to do this, it is Lent. Lent is an opportunity to put to death the things of this world, and to bring to life the spirit of God within you.
Dear individual, dear Child of God, live for Him! If you ever feel like your daily routine leaves you unsatisfied, like the life you lead lacks something, then know that God himself wants to fill you. By prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, we are drawing close to God who wants so desperately to be drawn close to. Wake up, and give every breath of your life to Him who gave it to you in the first place.
I will not lie and say that I succeed at this every day, or at all. But I will say that in Lent, I get a whole lot closer. I will also say that when I try my best to live for Him, I am living a full life, and am so much more joyful. I ask you, on behalf of God, and for your own sake, to take hold of this opportunity to live for Him. Live for His glory!
When I get to Heaven, anything to build Alyse will mean nothing. Not only will it mean nothing in Heaven, it will mean nothing to me anymore. Alyse compared to God is a ridiculous cause. Live for Him and create a currency that will last forever. Live for God and live for someone who is worth the effort.
I hope that you all have a very blessed Lenten season.
Peace and Love in Christ,
There are a few things that I have wanted to share with you. First of all, my friend Hollis and I started a prayer group called "Faith in Action", which hopes to springboard from Faith Camp and help teens to live for God. I ask for your prayers that this would go well, and God definitely blessed our first meeting.
While we were at the meeting, Hollis started it off by saying "The world gives you so many opportunities to live for the world, and not enough to live for God." This statement is so unfortunate, and so true. Whenever you click on your tv, look at billboards, or read magazines, none of them encourage you to live a fulfilled life of virtue. Having the greatest legs, darkest tan, or hottest boyfriend will not equal happiness. The TRUTH is that GOD is happiness!
If you are reading this blog, it is probably because you care about the Truth. If not, let me invite you to live a life worth living, a life worth the life that you have. Seek the Truth. If ever there is a more appropriate time to do this, it is Lent. Lent is an opportunity to put to death the things of this world, and to bring to life the spirit of God within you.
Dear individual, dear Child of God, live for Him! If you ever feel like your daily routine leaves you unsatisfied, like the life you lead lacks something, then know that God himself wants to fill you. By prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, we are drawing close to God who wants so desperately to be drawn close to. Wake up, and give every breath of your life to Him who gave it to you in the first place.
I will not lie and say that I succeed at this every day, or at all. But I will say that in Lent, I get a whole lot closer. I will also say that when I try my best to live for Him, I am living a full life, and am so much more joyful. I ask you, on behalf of God, and for your own sake, to take hold of this opportunity to live for Him. Live for His glory!
When I get to Heaven, anything to build Alyse will mean nothing. Not only will it mean nothing in Heaven, it will mean nothing to me anymore. Alyse compared to God is a ridiculous cause. Live for Him and create a currency that will last forever. Live for God and live for someone who is worth the effort.
I hope that you all have a very blessed Lenten season.
Peace and Love in Christ,
Friday, February 10, 2012
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
If my life could be summed up in one word right now it would be "discernment." If it could be summed up in two, it would be "discernment" and "confusion". I realize that this is not at all what God wants of me, and much less what I want of myself. I have been longing for a freedom which I have not allowed myself to feel, a freedom of living in God and Him in me.
Being in high school sucks, in a lot of ways. It is also a fantastic time with fantastic people, and I go to a fantastic school. Sometimes though, it's so easy to see how it sucks. Sucks bad. Once more, not what God wants for anyone. (Not high school, but the suckiness). Anyway, I have had a tough time discerning, I have been putting myself in the way, and that is where my problem lies. I need to work on being nothing. That in itself would be a series of blog posts.
The reason that I am writing to you right now though, is because I have had a revelation. First, God loves me more than I ever thought before. Second, He wrote my desires, and wants me to be happy. Third, I need to get out of my way to be with God, in other words, humility. Fourth, discerning can often be hard and confusing.
I know other things too, thankfully, but those are the most relevant for this post. One thing that God has led me to, through spiritual direction, is this fantastic article. This post leads up to this article which you should read, NOW.
Even if you are married, celibate, or decided in your vocation, this can help you. It talks about God's role in our lives, and our role in His life. Please, do yourself a favor, do the church a favor, and read this article.
Life can be crazy at times, absolutely crazy. That is what my life kind of feels like right now, but that's ok. God's in control (thank Him)! This article though, lets life's crazy beautifulness make a lot of sense. Please pray for me, I pray for you :) .
Peace and Love in Christ,
If my life could be summed up in one word right now it would be "discernment." If it could be summed up in two, it would be "discernment" and "confusion". I realize that this is not at all what God wants of me, and much less what I want of myself. I have been longing for a freedom which I have not allowed myself to feel, a freedom of living in God and Him in me.
Being in high school sucks, in a lot of ways. It is also a fantastic time with fantastic people, and I go to a fantastic school. Sometimes though, it's so easy to see how it sucks. Sucks bad. Once more, not what God wants for anyone. (Not high school, but the suckiness). Anyway, I have had a tough time discerning, I have been putting myself in the way, and that is where my problem lies. I need to work on being nothing. That in itself would be a series of blog posts.
The reason that I am writing to you right now though, is because I have had a revelation. First, God loves me more than I ever thought before. Second, He wrote my desires, and wants me to be happy. Third, I need to get out of my way to be with God, in other words, humility. Fourth, discerning can often be hard and confusing.
I know other things too, thankfully, but those are the most relevant for this post. One thing that God has led me to, through spiritual direction, is this fantastic article. This post leads up to this article which you should read, NOW.
Even if you are married, celibate, or decided in your vocation, this can help you. It talks about God's role in our lives, and our role in His life. Please, do yourself a favor, do the church a favor, and read this article.
Life can be crazy at times, absolutely crazy. That is what my life kind of feels like right now, but that's ok. God's in control (thank Him)! This article though, lets life's crazy beautifulness make a lot of sense. Please pray for me, I pray for you :) .
Peace and Love in Christ,
Sunday, January 29, 2012
March For Life 2012
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am so sorry that it has taken me this long to post to you. When school started for me, my time was completely absorbed by it. I realize that this is a poor excuse, but also I have been involved in little mission work. It breaks my heart, because I miss it SO much, and I have been discouraged from my blog. I plan to fix this, because I hope to start getting actively involved in service in my new community.
One fantastic thing that I was able to participate in was the March for Life in Washington DC this past Monday. 400,000 marchers gathered for peaceful protest, completely unnoticed by the media (maybe it was their day off), but absolutely noticed by God.
In a society that stands for "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" we fail horribly. It has not gone unnoticed by all, and this gives us hope for a day when we will stand for what we say we believe in.
While I was on the trip I journaled, with my faithful blog readers in mind, and I wrote some things that I would like to share with you all.
January 22nd 2012
Washington DC
I am sitting in the basilica of the Immaculate Conception. This church is so beautiful, so awe inspiring. This enormous building is filled with such symbolism and tradition. Tomorrow is the March for Life, and I can't help but wonder what would happen if the world only knew. What would happen if I only knew the fullness of Christ's coming, of His love.
This basilica, as marvelous and splendid as it is, is only a crude representation of the glorious God who we serve. If we knew God, and His love of life, abortion would not be thought of. The tragedy is that Satan has tricked mankind into self loathing. This loathing spreads to the smallest of God's children, this loathing causes a mass homicide of spotless victims.
This cathedral, this life, represents so much more than we could ever know (on Earth). It is time that life be valued, truly valued, for not only what it is, but for what God made it to be. I feel that my small cooperation, my small drop in the midst of this oceanic march, can bring about change. God can bring about change through His people, and through me.
January 27th 2012
On road to Louisiana
The March for Life trip was amazing. The march itself was super blessed, I know that the world was changed because of it. I was so blessed to be able to participate in that fight for life, for the dignity of the human body and soul.
There were other incredibly blessed aspects of the trip. We visited the Dominican sisters in Nashville Tennessee. I am much more open to the religious life now because of it. We saw the spectacular shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.
We visited the EWTN shrine, and that changed my life. The second largest monstrance in the world was there. In the beautiful church, I had this engulfing feeling that it was my home. Christ was giving me His beautiful temple, and my heart burst. I looked at the beautiful cross holding Jesus in the Eucharist, and I cried. I realized that all that I want, ALL THAT I WANT, is Jesus. I want to follow Him, to love Him with my entire being and existence.
I then saw a realistic crucifix outside. Christ had pieces of flesh torn from His body, and deep gashes covering Him. I realized that I never want to sin again. I was faced with the earth shaking reality that MY sins put Him to die on that tree. If anything discourages me from sin, it is that image of God crucified. this trip has made me want to radically live for the truth. I want to be radically alive for Him who died radically for me. God is love, God is good, God is truth. It's time to live like I know it.
Once more, I'm sorry that I haven't blogged in a long time. I don't do this for me, I didn't start it for me in the first place. I blog because God has done great things for me, and He is worth sharing about. I guess I needed to remember that.
Thank you for sharing with me!
Peace and Love in Christ Jesus,
I am so sorry that it has taken me this long to post to you. When school started for me, my time was completely absorbed by it. I realize that this is a poor excuse, but also I have been involved in little mission work. It breaks my heart, because I miss it SO much, and I have been discouraged from my blog. I plan to fix this, because I hope to start getting actively involved in service in my new community.
One fantastic thing that I was able to participate in was the March for Life in Washington DC this past Monday. 400,000 marchers gathered for peaceful protest, completely unnoticed by the media (maybe it was their day off), but absolutely noticed by God.
In a society that stands for "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" we fail horribly. It has not gone unnoticed by all, and this gives us hope for a day when we will stand for what we say we believe in.
While I was on the trip I journaled, with my faithful blog readers in mind, and I wrote some things that I would like to share with you all.
January 22nd 2012
Washington DC
I am sitting in the basilica of the Immaculate Conception. This church is so beautiful, so awe inspiring. This enormous building is filled with such symbolism and tradition. Tomorrow is the March for Life, and I can't help but wonder what would happen if the world only knew. What would happen if I only knew the fullness of Christ's coming, of His love.
This basilica, as marvelous and splendid as it is, is only a crude representation of the glorious God who we serve. If we knew God, and His love of life, abortion would not be thought of. The tragedy is that Satan has tricked mankind into self loathing. This loathing spreads to the smallest of God's children, this loathing causes a mass homicide of spotless victims.
This cathedral, this life, represents so much more than we could ever know (on Earth). It is time that life be valued, truly valued, for not only what it is, but for what God made it to be. I feel that my small cooperation, my small drop in the midst of this oceanic march, can bring about change. God can bring about change through His people, and through me.
January 27th 2012
On road to Louisiana
The March for Life trip was amazing. The march itself was super blessed, I know that the world was changed because of it. I was so blessed to be able to participate in that fight for life, for the dignity of the human body and soul.
There were other incredibly blessed aspects of the trip. We visited the Dominican sisters in Nashville Tennessee. I am much more open to the religious life now because of it. We saw the spectacular shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.
We visited the EWTN shrine, and that changed my life. The second largest monstrance in the world was there. In the beautiful church, I had this engulfing feeling that it was my home. Christ was giving me His beautiful temple, and my heart burst. I looked at the beautiful cross holding Jesus in the Eucharist, and I cried. I realized that all that I want, ALL THAT I WANT, is Jesus. I want to follow Him, to love Him with my entire being and existence.
I then saw a realistic crucifix outside. Christ had pieces of flesh torn from His body, and deep gashes covering Him. I realized that I never want to sin again. I was faced with the earth shaking reality that MY sins put Him to die on that tree. If anything discourages me from sin, it is that image of God crucified. this trip has made me want to radically live for the truth. I want to be radically alive for Him who died radically for me. God is love, God is good, God is truth. It's time to live like I know it.
Once more, I'm sorry that I haven't blogged in a long time. I don't do this for me, I didn't start it for me in the first place. I blog because God has done great things for me, and He is worth sharing about. I guess I needed to remember that.
Thank you for sharing with me!
Peace and Love in Christ Jesus,
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