
Thursday, February 18, 2010


Dear Readers,
Today after furiously throwing aside my hated math work I stepped outside. There was a cool breeze and i walked barefoot into the grass. I opened up a small container of bubbles and blew into the little wand. Dozens of bubbles were then blown across the whole lawn I dipped the wand over and over again, the wind carrying away every batch I blew. I then thought of how present the wind was and even though no one can see it. And even if we are inside our house the air is still there, we are just blocking ourselves from feeling the wind. I thought of how silly it would be if people denied it's existence. They could pretend it wasn't real but its presence it inevitable. You could close you eyes when the news flashed tornadoes or hurricanes, but that wouldn't make it any less real or powerful. God is the same in a lot of ways. Even though we cant really see him, we feel him in so many ways. It would be silly to think he is any less present than the air, and unlike air God is everywhere. He is constantly revealing himself to us, whether it be in bubbles or hurricanes, he is here with us. God bless you all!

1 comment:

  1. Alyse,

    I really love reading your blog. This is a beautiful ministry you have going here...keep up the wonderful, insightful ponderings.

    +Ali Reed
