Dear readers,
I have been very busy and blessed lately! Yesterday an acting group I have been a part of this year put on a play that was super blessed and awesome! I am going down on a mission trip on the 20th of this month to General Cepeda. It is much overdue since I had hoped to go during holy week, but everything is in God's perfect timing! I will be there for my birthday, so I am super excited about that! But I ask all of you to please be praying for me and for my trip. Pray that I would be able to touch all of those God has prepared for me and that all those attending the trip would be blessed. Also just be praying for the situation in Mexico in general. I thank all of you for your prayers. I am praying for y'all and I hope each one of you is blessed!
Peace and Love in Christ, who strengthens us all!
Dear Alyse, since you will spend your birthday there I will have tro hunt yuou down in advance. I hope you have a safe, happy and blessed time. I did enjoy the play.