
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sand Soccer

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
My family and I just got back from a wonderful two day vacation to the beach! It was so great, I really had such a good time and really enjoyed the time I had with my family. One day that I was there me, my sister, my brother and my step-dad all decided to play a game of sand soccer. We threw flip flops on the sand to create the goals and then divided up the teams, Me, my brother and sister against Kevin, My step-dad. He made our goal smaller than his and also gave us first kick on the ball. We had a goalie, my wonderful sister who happens to be terrified of soccer balls, and even made the rule no goals above the waist. Kevin scored, then again, then again. We were running helplessly towards his unguarded goal and he would swoop in and score again. The sad part is that he was going so easy on us and eventually made a rule saying he could only kick with his right foot, and yet we were losing. It was hysterical, I fell rolling in the sand as Kevin stopped and let us have yet another short break. It made me think of something I heard recently, we are like little kids helping God bake cookies. It gives us so much delight and yet he doesn't really need our help he just lets us because he loves us so much and finds so much delight in us. Playing sand soccer 3 to 1 with Kevin restricting himself to make it fair made me think of that. We are so little in comparison and yet we can delight so much in God and with God because he loves us so much. Just to let ya'll know we did win 9 to 8 but it was only because Kevin let us :). God Bless!!!!
Peace and Love in Christ,

1 comment:

  1. Glad you all had a nice trip. I can picture the story very well. I miss you all of course.
