Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,
Last night was FMC's annual donor's dinner. We invite all of the people who have donated or supported FMC in the last year and we gather for food and presentations on all that has been going on this last year. I was so blessed to see all that God has done in FMC just in a year it reminds me that this is genuinely one of the greatest missions of the church and that I am abundantly blessed to be a part of it. I was blessed to sell some rosary bags and gather some money for WYD this august. I was also reminded that FMC is more than a company and more than a community we really are all family and what a huge blessing it is to find that!
During vigil mass on Saturday I started thinking about how much I missed Mexico, how much I missed missions in general. I kept on thinking about how much I wanted to be there and to be serving God through foreign missions. I really felt God touch my heart and say that "This is your mission right now Alyse, this is what I have called you to." I "knew" that but I was glad to be reminded. Again after all of the presentations at the donor's dinner my heart started crying out for missions and yearning to go to the ends of the earth. Once more I was reminded that my mission is here, for now, and I need to support God's mission through my prayers and through my service. I am going to try and look into mission work here in our new city and hope to do my best while I am here. Not to use this time for waiting but to use this time for genuine service to the Lord. I also would like to share that I will be speaking at a confirmation retreat! I am super excited/nervous about that but I hope that I can be a missionary witness to all of those in the confirmation class. Please start praying for me for that even though it isn't until January. Please keep me in your prayers as I keep you in mine. God bless!
Peace and love in Christ,
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