
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Being a Catholic Missionary Rocks

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

So, if you didn't already know, the title of my post will tell you that being a Catholic missionary rocks. If you don't believe me, go find one, and then you'll know. So anyway, what inspired said title? I will tell you. It is sort of a couple of things so I will tell you each.

This one is great :) My brother and sister just got pet hamsters. They are cute and furry, like every good hamster should be, and they bring our house an added level of excitement. This morning, Anika was holding one and petting it. Then she said,
"We need to tell them about Jesus."
She left the room, got a crucifix, came back and began to speak to the hamsters.
"This is Jesus." She told them. "He loves you very much, he loves us more but he still loves you."
The hamsters sniffed Jesus' head and continued as normal. This cracked me up, and made me swell with pride, at the same time. It made me remember the years long gone when Anika would baptize her stuffed animals in the pila. She was five, and it was so cute. Anyhow, seeing her evangelize our hamsters made me realize how blessed we were. So blessed to realize the need for everyone to know about Jesus, since there weren't people there Anika took advantage of the hamsters' presence and got to it.

This one is more about how great it is to be Catholic :) Today we went to confession. We lined up against the wall and people flooded in. While we waited there was the rosary being prayed. I felt so blessed at that point, and I realized that other religions don't get this experience. To go to confession, be forgiven in the profound way that you are after confession, and pray the rosary. It was great! Also, while we were there Anika offered to save the spot for a pregnant lady and it made me realize once more the beauty of our missionary upbringing to reach out to all those around you.

God really has been blessing me in my everyday life. I know that right now we are not called to be in the foreign mission field but we are still called to be missionaries. Everyday opportunities arise to take advantage of your past and religion. I know that not all of us are called to be foreign missionaries, and not all have had the blessing to be Catholic for whatever reason, and these people are still blessed and can have great lives. I just have really been feeling so blessed by what I have :) God bless!
Peace and love in Christ,

1 comment:

  1. Alyse,

    That is a beautiful post. It also reminds me of Saint Anthony of Padua preaching to the fish.
