
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

World Youth Day Trip Part 2- Cordoba, Spain

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

 I am sorry it has taken me so long to post this next part, I have been so incredibly busy/blessed this past week or so. Anyhow, here is for the next part of my trip. After we left London we headed for Cordoba, Spain, a city where I lived back in 2008. This is my journal entry from my first day there.

  August 11th 2011 Cordoba
  So after a day of frantic running, endless mishaps, and "that was so close"s God got us through. We were greeted in Cordoba by the parish of Sta. Beatriz de Silva. Our host family, the Morales family, was so hospitable! They made Amelie and I feel right at home. We received Christ's body at mass and had a big supper afterwards. It was so much fun! Our family is the greatest. God is sooooo good! 

 That was my first night in the parish in Spain, one that I had never been to while I had lived in Cordoba. Our group was split up, I was with Amelie, and we stayed with separate families (no family was crazy enough to accept 27 of us (-: ). My next journal entry is two days later...

  August 13th 2011 Cordoba Yesterday, since I didn't write, we walked through Jewish Cordoba and had a tour of the Cathedral. We were allowed into the "Spanish Sistine Chapel" to pray and sing. The tour was such a blessing! We saw a place where a martyr carved a cross into the pillar with his finger nail. After, we came home, ate, swam, napped, and went to a get together that was a lot of fun. We stayed up till almost two talking with Luisa and Cristina. It was a great day. Today we saw an ancient hermitage at the top of a mountain. It was sooo, breathtakingly gorgeous! It was amazing to see the way those men lived. We celebrated mass and it was such a total blessing! I am going to swim again today, which will be so refreshing. 

 As you probably noticed I really enjoyed my family's pool... As mild as the weather was compared to most of the time (Cordoba is one of Spain's hottest cities) it was still nice to take a swim, especially in a non-air-conditioned country like those in Europe.

  August 14th 2011 Cordoba, Spain Today has been such a blessed day. Today we went to mass, with the other pilgrims in Cordoba, at the Cathedral. It was so cool to see us united by the mass, I think it was a beautiful foreshadowing of WYD. Afterwards we shopped, I got a fan and a bunch of candy. We came back home, ate lunch, showered, and napped. We went to adoration after and there was confession. God is so good! After that, we had another BIG community meal with sharing afterwards. Almost everybody was in tears as we shared how God blessed us. It's crazy to think this is my last night here. My "mom", Luisa, shared afterwards that she loved having us, and that our faith inspired her. It blessed me to see a change in Cristina, I felt her love of our faith in her attitude. I wish I could better express to my new family how much they have blessed me. Being with them made me less home sick. God really does have a universal church, family, and I felt it here. When I lived here it was a tough time for my family and now I was able to enjoy the city for what it is. I know how much God loves us, His church on Earth, and this experience confirmed it. Now I will write for last night, because it was SO cool and I didn't get a chance to write. We went to the church I used to attend, and gathered with the other pilgrims here. There were people from the U.S, Spain, France, Canada, Iraq, and even more. We had demonstrations from the different countries. Spain put on a play of the life of St. John the baptist, and then it was our turn. We showed them Cajun dancing, I danced, it was so much fun! Then we sang a song all together. As I sang I felt God's presence so strongly. There I was, in Spain, on stage in front of a whole bunch of youth, singing to my God, the God of the universe! It was so, so, so beautiful. We had an encore and sang "Rise Up" which was awesome. After, I was Sara and said hi. Then, Amelie and I, and our family, went out to eat and for ice cream. It was a blessed day. I could write for hours, but it's late now. 

 Spain really was so blessed, and the night where we sang on stage was an experience that I will never forget as long as I live. I still miss the family I met and made in Spain, and it shows me how much people can be united through Christ and love of Him. The next portion of my trip is coming up, hopefully soon, God bless!

 Peace and love in Christ, Alyse

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