Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Once again I begin my post by apologizing for not blogging in so long. I am so busy with school and everything else all of the time, that blogging slips out of my mind. However, when I was in chapel yesterday at school, and had time for adoration, I thought of all of my fantastic blog readers. Ms. Jen, our campus minister, shared a beautiful reflection, and I want to share it with all of you.
Imagine that you are in the desert, and you are dirty, tired, and extremely thirsty. All of the sudden you see an enormous black rain cloud rolling through the sky, and it's coming right towards you. Imagine that you take an umbrella, a rain coat, and rain boots, and run into a cave and hide while it rains.
There is something wrong with that picture, right? It seems like you would grab buckets, throw your head back and take in the rain falling from the sky. Any thirsty, dirty, tired person would do that instead of running to a cave where they would stay the same way. Even though grabbing buckets and getting drenched is the logical answer, sometimes we are the person with the umbrella when it comes to our spiritual journeys.
God gives us this time of the Easter Triduum that He fills with abundant blessings for us. He opens the sky and pours out His love and grace on us like a rain cloud. All that we need to do is grab our buckets and have them filled with grace! Those buckets are times of prayer, attending services, reflecting on the way of the cross, and so on.
I ask you all to take advantage of this beautiful Easter Triduum to do just that! Grab your buckets, throw back your heads, and get drenched in God's love and grace. He died to give it to you.
Peace and Love in Christ,
I love you, Alyse!