
Thursday, May 27, 2010


Dear readers,
Today at mass the gospel really touched me. It is about the man who is blind and asks Jesus for his sight back. How he was a poor beggar and the one thing he asked for was vision. Bartimeus said "Master I want to see." A prayer so simple but then Jesus told his that his faith had saved him. The priest commented how all of us should ask the same. To see. To no longer be blind to God, his hand, his will and his love. We should ask for the eyes of our heart to be opened. To be able to see the beggar and orphan with the eyes of Christ. The difference between physical and spiritual sight is substantial. I have met blind people who although can't see they can see God so much more clearly. They can see the truth and they are so happy from it!
"Master I want to see." I think we should all pray this. To be able to see with his eyes, and with the eyes of love that he is so willing to open for us.
Peace and Love in Christ,

1 comment:

  1. Alyse,
    I pray that all of us who are fans of your blog would be able to see the need for prayer and any support we can give to people along the Louisiana coast.
