
Monday, May 3, 2010


Dear readers,
I have always thought of perspective. For example, today I was walking with my mom who is about 5 ft 1 in tall. I am around 5'5 and was wearing 4 inch platform shoes and she pointed out the difference between us, and I realized the difference in perspective I got standing 4 inches taller than normal. Again, in 20,000 leagues under the sea, he talks about how different it is being way underneath the ocean. Or if you lay in a field of grass and see what it is like to be an ant. Or if you are in a choir loft of a church, all of these are different views. You catch a glimpse of what it is like to be a giant, an ant, an octopus, a 5'9 woman, all of these let you take a look with different eyes. Although they are the same ones you have had your whole life it is different to see something new again. To see the top of a dusty fridge instead of the handle, or to see underneath a house instead of the side. And my point is we don't see it unless we take the motive to do so. A man could sit in a lounger his whole life and never turn away from the television, most people would say "what a waste!" A waste of time, of life, and of the opportunities that go farther than his television. So many times we are afraid to switch perspective, to see what it is like living without anything, or to see the bottom of a gum covered table. And yet we would see so much more and understand the world just a bit better because of it. We forget to step out, I get accustomed to the perspective of a higschooling, homeschooling, missionary living in the woods. And although this is abnormal it is not enough. We should embrace the world around us and more importantly we should embrace our God! We get used to an image we have built of him and ingrained into our brains. We don't bother to know him better because we just don't. And we deprive oursleves of the multi-dimensional relationship that he offers us! If only we switched perspectives.
Peace and Love in Christ,

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