
Friday, October 22, 2010

The World on Fire

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Yesterday's gospel was really beautiful. It was Luke 12: 49 53 and the first part really jumped out at me.
Jesus said to his disciples: "I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!..."
I feel that to often I think of God's will and plan to be having a world that is happy and tranquil. A world where everyone is so happy in God and just very mellow with everyone living in harmony. That is not the truth at all. After holding that image for only a second I start to realize that we are called to be fiery Christians. We are called to live lives radically and blazing with passion and zeal for God.
Later in the gospel it says, "Do you think I have come to establish peace on Earth? No, I tell you, but rather division."
When I first heard this I was thinking, What? But then I realized that he means he hasn't come to Earth and died for us so that we can all be content and mellow, so that we can all live peaceful and uneventful lives; rather that we will all be on fire for him. Not everyone will agree with us, even households will be divided because what we are called to is so radical. We are called to live outside the boxes we have created for ourselves and to abandon ourselves completely to the will of God. We Christians need to be filled with fire for Christ, we need to live in the way that Christ intended us to. It is such a deep message that I can't fully grasp it but it still inspires me to share it with you. God Bless!
Peace and love in Christ,

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The gospel for today carries a message of perseverance. The homily that father gave today had a cool story about persevering.
A boy stood by the side of a railroad track holding a flag that he waved in the air. Down the line you could see a train coming forward with an engine and caboose. A man went to the boy and said, "The train won't stop for you. Don't expect it to, you might as well give up."
The boy in response stood and continued waving his flag. The train came by and when it looked like it would pass him up it stopped. The boy climbed on, turned to the man and said, "The engineer is my father." and the train drove off.
Often times we slack in prayer because we lose sight of the value of our prayers. We think that they are worthless and we give up. God is our father, he wants what is just for us and all we need to is persevere. What is required of us is perseverance and God will follow through. I just thought this was beautiful and wanted to share it with you.
Peace and Love in Christ,

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Luke 11: 37-41

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am sorry I haven't posted in a little while, I have been unusually occupied lately with school and other activities. I had an unusual experience yesterday. My family and I all gathered together for daily prayer where my Mom or Kevin reads the gospel of the day. Yesterday's gospel was Luke 11: 37-41. In this reading Jesus goes to eat at a Pharisee's house and the pharisee is astonished when Jesus doesn't wash before the meal. Jesus says to him "Oh, Pharisees! Although you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, inside you are filled with plunder and evil. You fools! Did not the maker of the outside also make the inside? But as to what is within, give alms, and behold, everything will be clean for you."
I listened to the reading and didn't think much of it until a little later in my personal prayer time I decided to read from the New Testament and opened again to this reading. I was surprised and so I read it over again. It reminds me of two important things. FIrst, that it is necessary to cleanse your soul, heart and mind along with cleaning all other exterior things, you cannot be clean on the outside and dirty within. Secondly, that alms giving is crucial for your soul's health.
I really felt called to share this reading with all of you, I hope that it blesses you in some way! Also if any of you feel inspired to share your thoughts about this reading you can post it as a comment :) .
Peace and Love in Christ,

Monday, October 4, 2010

Mustard Seed

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Yesterday the gospel was Jesus telling his disciples that if you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mulberry bushes (or mountains). Have you ever held a mustard seed? You might of if you have been handed one in church or have been somewhere where they make mustard. Anyhow, the amazing thing is how small it is. Mustard seeds are tiny, one of the smallest seeds I have ever seen. Yet, even if we have faith as small as one of those the world can change, mountains can be moved. This always blows me away.
We are challenged to have faith in God the size of a mustard seed. We are all called to have faith in God, whichever way that faith manifests itself. Wether it is having faith in God for our food tomorrow or doing some daunting task we are called to. Faith is so beautiful! We give a mustard seeds worth and God delivers big time! If it is a mulberry bush being thrust into the sea or leaving our worries and concerns to God and letting him cast them away. All we need to do it have faith in Him. Our God is awesome!
Peace and love in Christ,

Friday, October 1, 2010

St. Therese

Brothers and sisters in Christ,
Today is the feast day of St. Therese of Lisieux. I was so blessed to be able to go to a mass today with our homeschooling group. Afterwards the children all went up and gave a flower to St. Therese. It was beautiful. St. Therese is such an inspiration. She is known for her "little way" giving God every moment and becoming a saint through every action, every day. Giving every little thing to God is such a beautiful thing that all of us should practice. She is also the patroness of missions, which is a great thing; she always prayed for missions. St. Therese, Pray for us.
I ask for ya'll to pray for me, I have been presented with the opportunity to go to Ecuador and an opportunity to go to world youth day. Nothing is impossible for God, which is great because it looks difficult to get to these places. Please pray that God will provide the money for me to go, only if it his will! Ecuador would probably be in January and World Youth Day is in August. Please keep me in your prayers, I am always praying for ya'll!
Peace and love in Christ,