
Friday, August 6, 2010

In Mexico

Dear readers,
I am in General Cepeda!!! It was a wonderful surprise since it was totally unexpected. My mom let me come and now I am here for a week! My family and I just moved to a new apartment and if you want to learn how to be persistent try carrying everything your family owns up three flights of stairs! I am here in General with a bunch of awesome missionaries preparing for an awesome group. We had a bit of a problem at the border yesterday but it all worked out in the end, after we arrived in General about 6 hours later that expected. I am so blessed to be here again. I am keeping you all in my prayers.
Peace and Love in Christ,


  1. I'm so happy for you! But I'm going to miss seeing you when we get back!
    Have a blesed and holy time,

  2. I miss you too. Your aunt Brooke had a nice birthday on the eighth and Mommee says sge took Anika and Soren out to eat. I am sure you are doing good things and we all wish you to be blessed.
