
Sunday, February 28, 2010


Dear Readers,
I have been reading Gulliver's travels. In this book he goes to a land of Giants, the author describes them as being disgusting, smelly and ugly. Of course that is just because he is so much smaller than them, in ohter words he is seeing them from a different angle. Every pore on their body is huge in comparison, their face is all discolored and strange looking. But that is because he is seeing the bigger picture. I thought of how strange I would look to myself is I was all of the sudden small, how every imperfection I am able to look over would be magnified by a thousand. Then I started thinking of how it should be the same with our lives. I know that I look over the imperfections in my prayer life and my relationship with God. But what if I took a whole new aproach? What then? I would see the part in my life that needed serious patching up and remodeling. And right now in the season of lent is the perfect time. It is a time of fasting and penance for our sins and our imperfections. I hope we can all take a new look at our lives, and try to see them with new eyes and hearts. God bless all of you!
Peace and love in Christ!


  1. Hi Alyse,
    My name is "Lizzy" and your grandmother told My mother about oyur blog. My family is considering becoming missionarys. You might of heard about us. We have 11 people in our family and mom is prego with the 12 member. My family is considering coing out next week. So we might get to meet come Satuday.

  2. Yes! I have heard about yall!!! I cannot wait to meet your family! God bless!!!!

  3. Alyse,
    That is a nice bit of literary criticism blended into a nice bit of spiritual blogging...
