Dear readers,
Today it drizzled a little bit in the morning so that when we got into our car to visit people our windshield was covered with tiny droplet of water. We started the engine and then clicked on our wipers. It started smudging the water all over the place and we couldn't see a thing. The whole world was a blur of colors and our windshield wipers screeched on contact with the glass. I thought of how sad it was to not be able to see the beautiful scenery, and that is when I decided to blog about it. God gives us beautiful lives, he really does. But then our sin starts to cover up our view, blurring the beauty that God offers us. And what happens if our prayer lives aren't new or strong enough?
They just cant clear it. It tries to do what it was fashioned or created for but if it isn't new or strong enough it just barely clears our view.
During this Lenten season I know I want to have good windshield wipers because lets face it, our lives our full of sin and unlike a gentle General Cepeda drizzle it is a full fledged storm. And the best ultimate way to clear our view is confession. The church asks everyone to confess at least once during lent and I second that request!
Thank you all for your prayers! General Cepeda is really great! Pray that God works miracles!
Peace and Love in Christ!
I love you alyse!